Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shop for Superhuman Gear with DC Universe Online Gold

They say money is power—and in DC Universe Online, it’s Gold that gives your character the strength of Superman or the might of Lex Luthor.

DCUO Gold lets you obtain better gear and obliterate all opposition in DC Universe Online, the first superhero MMO based on the acclaimed titles of DC Comics. With enough DCUO Gold, even your freshly made characters can equip impressive gear from the get-go.

Gear up fast in DC Universe Online! Equip incredible weapons, armor and costumes with dc universe online currency from is the world’s most trusted brand for DCUO Gold, WoW Gold, FFXIV Gil and other virtual currency. Established in 2002, IGE sets the standard by delivering DCUO Gold fast, safe and guaranteed. Buy DCUO Gold now from the undisputed number one.

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